Coal in Kenya: directory

Directory of content on this Medium blog

Coal in Kenya
5 min readOct 29, 2020

Click here to see all this content by topic: Kitui coal mining, Lamu coal plant, media coverage, UNESCO, etc.

Status updates:

More specific updates:

Kenya coal background…


Kitui coal mining:

Lamu coal plant:

Opposition to Kenya coal industry development

Growing, sustained local opposition to Lamu coal plant and Kitui coal mining from affected community groups, Kenyan public interest groups, economists, energy experts, and many others:

Kenya coal litigation and legal matters

Directly related legal matters

Selected original and official documents

  1. Lamu coal plant Project ESIA, stunning VAT exemption documents, energy sector reports, letters to financiers, and many other documents at
  2. also has the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and government Letter of Support (LoS) for Lamu coal plant. The PPA and LoS were were originally from official website (select disclosure portal, projects, select Lamu coal project, ignore empty page, download all project documents, look inside that folder). By May 2019 the Disclosure Portal was taken down. By June 2019 the entire website was taken down. From 2019 to 2020, a copy was still visible at the staging site for PPPUnit, but as of late 2020 its domain appears to have expired. In 2021 the PPPUnit website was revamped, but it is missing the project pipeline information. As of September 2021, the website states, “Our Project Pipeline is being updated and will be published by the end of June 2021.”
  3. Kenyan government’s most recent Least Cost Power Development Plan. Summarised with a link to main document, which was taken off the ERC website. This 2017–2037 plan supersedes all previous LCPDPs, and predicts that Lamu coal plant would create an oversupply of electricity.

Kenya aims for 100% renewable energy, and how to get there

  1. Geothermal energy and Kenya
  2. President Kenyatta’s repeated statements on this goal (coming soon)
  3. Kenya-specific peer-reviewed academic research: Sustainable Low-Carbon Expansion for the Power Sector of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Kenya
  4. Kenya-specific peer-reviewed academic research: CAN KENYA SUPPLY ENERGY WITH 100% RENEWABLE SOURCES?
  5. Africa-wide: AfDB and UNEP: Green energy will bolster Africa’s economic development
  6. Global: Renewable energy sources could be cheaper than fossil fuels within 10 years — UN-backed report



Coal in Kenya
Coal in Kenya

Written by Coal in Kenya

Compiled research and news about ongoing attempts to develop a coal industry in Kenya. #deCOALonize

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