Acronyms related to Kenya coal issues

Coal in Kenya
1 min readMar 4, 2020


PPA Power Purchase Agreement

PPP Public-Private Partnership

KenGen Kenya Electricity Generating Company

KNES Kenya National Electrification Strategy

KP or KPLC Kenya Power and Lighting Company

LCOE levelised cost of electricity

kwh kilowatt hour

mwh megawatt hour

BAU “business as usual” scenario

MoEP or MoE Ministry of Energy & Petroleum

MoE or MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry

GCG Green Credit Guidelines

GCD Green Credit Directive

GHG Greenhouse Gas Emissions

LCPDP Least Cost Power Development Plan

LAPSSET Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport Corridor Project

GoK Government of Kenya

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EPR Environment Project Report Study

SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

OUV outstanding universal value (related to UNESCO World Heritage sites)

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

NDC Nationally Determined Contribution

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

USAID United States Agency for International Development

BCP Bio-Cultural Community Protocol

BMU Beach Management Unit

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EPR Environmental Project Report

ERC Energy Regulatory Commission (former, now EPRA)

EPRA Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (new, replaces ERC)

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

MUHURI Muslim Human Rights

NEMA National Environment Management Authority

NET National Environment Tribunal

RAP Resettlement Action Plan

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

KETRACO Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited

ELAW Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide

IEEFA Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis



Coal in Kenya
Coal in Kenya

Written by Coal in Kenya

Compiled research and news about ongoing attempts to develop a coal industry in Kenya. #deCOALonize

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